Monday, October 24, 2005

Beyond The Rituals:Letting God Reign in Our Lives

The simple center of God's will can be lost in our complication and sophistication. Maybe this story will clarify matters.

A few days ago I took my four year old son and his plastic tiger into my lap, “Josh, what did we do before you were born?”

To which he readily replied, “Work in the garage.”

“Oh. What kind of work did we do?”

“Paint,” He said.

“Well, what do we do now that you have been born?”

He didn’t even hesitate. “Eat.”

“What do we eat?”

“Spaghetti and eggs..(he paused a second, then added) and cereal.”

He then picked up his toy tiger and ran off to play. That was our conversation. I don’t know what he thought I’d asked, or where his answers came from, but he was confident in there accuracy. I chuckled and thought, "I love that kid."

It was a precious moment. Though Josh won’t recall our talk a decade or even a day from now, I’ll never forget it.

Josh and my conversation may resemble our experience someday before the LORD. All that we now so confidently purport about "God" and "Life" and "Meaning" may be viewed in retrospect as childish, perhaps foolish. In fact, we’ll probably learn we didn’t even understand the questions! Yet, I'm confident that our Father who lives in Heaven will have cherished the conversation nonetheless.

Oh! for a child’s heart, a simple faith, a walk with God.

1 comment:

KMiV said...

Stephen, good points. You have a great way of simplifying what is important in our relationship with God.
Ron Clark