Tuesday, February 15, 2005

All Who Are Thirsty

Brian McLaren had a great review of Hotel Rwanda recently. Check it out here.

Here are some lyrics to "All Who Are Thirsty" a song off our latest ZOE recording, "Desperate".

All who are thirsty,
All who are weak,
Come to the fountain!
Dip your heart in the stream of Life.
Let the pain and the sorrow
Be washed away
In the waves of His mercy
As deep cries out to deep.


Do we mean it? All who are thirsty? All who are weak? We'd better be ready if we mean it.

I found this quote in my mom's "Spiritual Formation Bible" in the margin next to John 1. I thought it would encourage you today as it did me.

"You called, You cried, You shattered my deafness.
You sparkled, You blazed, You drove away my blindness.
You shed Your fragrance, I drew in my breath, and I pant for You.
I tasted...and now I hunger and thirst.
You touched me, and now I burn with longing for Your peace."
Augustine--from Confessions

1 comment:

Dana said...


I have spent the last week listening to the entire Desperate CD over and over again. All Who Are Thirsty is one of my favorites. I have lost far too many friends in the last 6 months--to death and simply moving far away--and finding out last Wednesday night I would lose another very important person in my life to a move just knocked me flat. This song and those words are what began to help me heal once again. Today, finally I feel I can function again. Thank you, all of you zoe singers, for the time you put into selecting the music for your CDs. God uses you so mightily in the lives of so many churches. I love you all dearly!